Introduction: Finding Fanny revolves around five rather dysfunctional characters that live in the quaint sleepy village of Pocolim, nestled deep in the interiors of Goa, India. Pocolim is a...Continue reading
In what can be called an epic piece of news, Amitabh Bachchan has joined the cast of the Prabhas-Deepika Padukone film, to be directed by 'Mahanati' maker Nag Ashwin. On Friday, the makers of the m...Continue reading
'Kalki 2898 AD' is led by pan-Indian star Prabhas. Director Nag Ashwin plans to release this sci-fi drama on May 9. Is the film on the track to be released on that day? The answer is yes. Vyjayant...Continue reading
Nitin Zihani Choudhary, the production designer of 'Kalki 2898 AD', has been quoted as saying that there are seven complexes in the universe of the film. In the first part, we have seen only one of...Continue reading
Bollywood superstar Deepika Padukone has solidified her position as the reigning queen of crossover films by joining a record-breaking four cinematic universes of Indian cinema. She is part of Yas...Continue reading
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