The First Glimpse of 'Maya Petika' was released on Thursday at a special event. Present on the occasion was its main star cast (read Paayal Rajput, Rajath Raghav, Viraj Ashwin, and Simrat Kaur), be...Continue reading
Film has 24 crafts. These 24 crafts are necessary for any movie, be it Indian or International. This is why it’s interesting to hear that an American Cinematographer has come to work for a Telugu f...Continue reading
There is a reason the makers of 'Michael' kicked off the promotions of the movie by unveiling a romantic song rendered by Sid Sriram. Titled 'Neevuntey Chaalu', the song was indicative of what was ...Continue reading
'Ari' is the title of an upcoming movie headlined by Anasuya Bharadwaj. Directed by V Jayashankarr of 'Paper Boy' fame, the film is produced by businessmen Seshu Maramreddy and Srinivas Ramireddy. ...Continue reading
Prestigious production house PVP banner has created sensation in delivering realistic concept films too. PVP banner has set up to encourage new talent along with delivering huge budget films. As p...Continue reading
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