Bombhaat is a Telugu language Film produced by Vishwas Hannurkar under the Suchetha DreamWorks Productions banner, and Directed by debutant I. Raghavendra Varma s/o Sunil Varma (Aathma Bandham, Pre...Continue reading
Actor Kiran Abbavaram is doing a rom-com titled 'Sammathame'. Touted to be a musical entertainer, it has 'Colour Photo' actress Chandini Chowdary as the heroine. Helmed by Gopinath Reddy and produ...Continue reading
'Yevam' is the title of Navdeep's upcoming movie. Produced by himself and Pavan Goparaju, the film has Chandini Chowdary of the recent 'Sammathame' as the heroine. "This film is going to be an exc...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's latest comedy entertainer Sammathame, is all set for a release on June 24, will be released in USA on Friday in 150 locations. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overs...Continue reading
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