'Sahakutumbanaam', a new movie directed by Uday Sharma, was launched on Sunday with Ram Kiran and Megha Akash (of 'LIE' and 'Dear Megha' fame) as the lead pair. Producers H Mahadev Gowd and H Nagar...Continue reading
'Prema Desam' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Thrigun (aka Arun Adith) and Megha Akash in the lead. Director Srikanth Siddham and producer Sirisha Siddham recently unveiled the film's te...Continue reading
Megha Akash, Adith Arun, Arjun Somayajulu, and others in the lead roles, the movie Dear Megha is prepping up to hit the screens soon. Actress Pooja Hegde launched the first single from the movie D...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Ravanasura' was held on Saturday in Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasion, Ravi Teja described his fans as his brothers and source of energy. The 'Dhamaka' actor thanked ar...Continue reading
'Gurthunda Seethakalam', the remake of 'Love Mocktail' (Kannada), is hitting the cinemas on December 9. Satyadev Kancharana, Tamannaah Bhatia, Priyadarshi, Kavya Shetty and Megha Akash are its prim...Continue reading
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