'Sahakutumbanaam', a new movie directed by Uday Sharma, was launched on Sunday with Ram Kiran and Megha Akash (of 'LIE' and 'Dear Megha' fame) as the lead pair. Producers H Mahadev Gowd and H Nagar...Continue reading
Megha Akash, Adith Arun, Arjun Somayajulu, and others in the lead roles, the movie Dear Megha is prepping up to hit the screens soon. Actress Pooja Hegde launched the first single from the movie D...Continue reading
Nithiin's stylish and racy thriller, 'Lie', is off to a flying start. The film has opened to a very positive response everywhere and has been declared a blockbuster. The rich visuals, the intellige...Continue reading
After a stupendous response from the audience for the all the singles and teaser released so far, the happy makers of ‘Chal Mohan Ranga’ are launching their jukebox on the eve of Ugadi....Continue reading
Featuring Sree Vishnu in the lead role, the film Raja Raja Chora prepping up for its release soon. Penned and directed by Hasith Goli, Raja Raja Chora has caught up with a decent hype prior to it's...Continue reading
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