'Akshara', starring Nandita Swetha in the lead, will release in theatres on February 26. Directed by B Chinni Krishna, the film is produced by Suresh Varma Alluri and Ahiteja Bellamkonda. Speaking...Continue reading
Tamil film ‘Sathuranga Vettai’, which was released as a small budget film without any expectations, has become sensational hit. The film is being remade in Telugu. Sridevi Movies banner...Continue reading
'Akshara', starring Nandita Swetha in the lead, will release in theatres in February. Directed by B Chinni Krishna, the film is produced by Suresh Varma Alluri and Ahiteja Bellamkonda. "We have co...Continue reading
The Teaser for 'Kalki' was released on Wednesday as the clock struck 10 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. The viewers have been spellbound by the elements in the breathtaking teaser. Ancient stru...Continue reading
'S5' is a horror-thriller directed by Bharath Komalapati. 'No Exit' is its caption. Sai Kumar, Ali, Nandamuri Tarakaratna, Sunil and Prince are playing key roles in the movie. Nandita Swetha attend...Continue reading
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