The trailer for 'Adbhutham' was released on Tuesday evening. Starring Teja Sajja and Shivani Rajasekhar as the lead pair, the romantic thriller is directed by Mallik Ram. Produced by Mogulla Chan...Continue reading
Hero Rajasekhar and Jeevitha’s elder daughter actress Shivani Rajasekhar, who is making her debut as heroine opposite Adivi Sesh with ‘2 States’, has participated in a fund-raisin...Continue reading
Rajashekar's daughter Shivani has got her first film. She will start her journey to stardom with a Tamil film. For quite sometime she has been looking out for good projects. Sources tell u...Continue reading
Adith Arun and Sivani Rajasekhar as the lead pair, the movie WWW- Who Where Why is prepping up for the release. Being it a project lead by popular cinematographer KV Guhan, the movie has caught up ...Continue reading
Adivi Sesh and Shivani Rajasekhar as the lead pair '2 States' was launched very recently. Directed by Venkat Reddy, the film’s regular shooting will commence from April 5 in Hyderabad. The ...Continue reading
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