'Thank You Brother' is an upcoming comedy revolving around a set of fictional events in the era of coronavirus. Its Title Poster was on Friday unveiled by 'Baahubali' and 'Viraata Parvam' actor Ran...Continue reading
'Darja', starring Sunil and Anasuya in lead roles, is directed by Saleem Malik. Produced by PSS Entertainments' Siva Sankar Paidipati, the fiction-cum-action entertainer is presented by Sri Kaminen...Continue reading
Ram Charan’s ‘Rangasthalam’ is one of the most awaited films of the year. The film had been creating lot of buzz from the time it went on floors and it has piqued the curiosity of...Continue reading
'Flashback' is touted to be a coming-of-age entertainer. Headlined by the multi-talented Prabhu Deva, 'Evaru' actress Regina and 'Rangasthalam', 'Pushpa' artist Anasuya Bharadwaj, the expensive fli...Continue reading
Akkineni Nagarjuna wrapped up his shoot for "Soggade Chinni Naina”. The last portion of Talkie, Songs and Action Sequences were shot in the beautiful locale of Mysore. The film is in post productio...Continue reading
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