'Akshara', starring Nandita Swetha in the lead, will release in theatres in February. Directed by B Chinni Krishna, the film is produced by Suresh Varma Alluri and Ahiteja Bellamkonda. "We have co...Continue reading
The notes ban effect is high on cinema industry. There is a talk that, people are not keen on watching films in such dire circumstances. Interestingly, Nikhil, Hebah Patel and Nandita Swetha starre...Continue reading
'Oo Manchi Ghost' (in short, 'OMG)' is slated to be released in theatres soon. Vennela Kishore, Shakalaka Shankar, Nandita Shweta, Navami Gayak, Rajit, Naveen Neni and Raghu are playing different r...Continue reading
'Jetty', starring Maanyam Krishna and Nandita Swetha in lead roles, is directed by Subrahmanyam Pitchuka (Subbu). The multi-lingual release has locked its release date. The film will head to theat...Continue reading
It has been one week since the release of Nikhil starrer ‘ Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada’ and the film is still doing extremely well. It is running in packed houses all over. This Nikhil starrer was ...Continue reading
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