Bombhaat is a Telugu language Film produced by Vishwas Hannurkar under the Suchetha DreamWorks Productions banner, and Directed by debutant I. Raghavendra Varma s/o Sunil Varma (Aathma Bandham, Pre...Continue reading
'Yevam' is the title of Navdeep's upcoming movie. Produced by himself and Pavan Goparaju, the film has Chandini Chowdary of the recent 'Sammathame' as the heroine. "This film is going to be an exc...Continue reading
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Sai Dharam Tej, who awaits the release of 'Solo Bratuke So Better', on Thursday evening unveiled the song 'Tharagathi Gadhi' from 'Colour Photo'. Shot on Suhas and Chandini Chowdary, the film's le...Continue reading
‘Ulavacharu Biryani’ fame Tejus as hero and Chandini, who came to fame with few short films, as heroine, ‘Ketugadu’ is being made by young industrialist Balasani Venkatesh under Venkatesh Movies ba...Continue reading
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