The yet-to-be-shot and untitled movie of Nandamuri Balakrishna and director Gopichand Malineni is produced by Mythri Movie Makers. The other day, the makers announced that Sandalwood actor Duniya V...Continue reading
The 100-day run of 'Veera Simha Reddy' was celebrated on June 10, marking Nandamuri Balakrishna’s birthday. The Gopichand Malineni directorial was released for Sankranthi earlier this year. ...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Hanu-Man' is out and, as director Prasant Varma promises, it takes us into a surreal world. Teja Sajja plays a young man who rises from the ashes with the power of Lord Hanuman. The...Continue reading
Varalakshmi Sarathkumar who recently appeared in movies like Naandi and Krack is being lauded for her performances. Not only her screen presence but also her social responsibility is being apprecia...Continue reading
There is a reason the makers of 'Michael' kicked off the promotions of the movie by unveiling a romantic song rendered by Sid Sriram. Titled 'Neevuntey Chaalu', the song was indicative of what was ...Continue reading
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