"Renowned director, actor, producer and former Minister Dasari Narayana Rao, who holds the record for directing highest number of films, died in Hyderabad yesterday. We were extremely shocked by th...Continue reading
It has been one week since the release of Nikhil starrer ‘ Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada’ and the film is still doing extremely well. It is running in packed houses all over. This Nikhil starrer was ...Continue reading
The teaser of ’24 Kisses’ starring Hebah Patel and Arun Adith in the lead roles was released recently by actress Ileana D’Cruz on social media on the occasion of International Kis...Continue reading
She became popular with the film 'Kumari 21F'. Hebbah Patel was a part of many good films in Tollywood. Then her craze dimmed. Recently she was in news because of a rumour that she will make a wild...Continue reading
Varun Tej's next release has got a new release date. The film which was to release on 13th April will now be coming to theatres on 14th April a day later. Why this delay by a day we have no c...Continue reading
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