Puri Jagannath’s latest film ‘Devudu Chesina Manushulu’ starring hit pair Raviteja and Ileana is getting ready to hit theaters in this month end. Producer BVSN Prasad is making this film under Sri...Continue reading
Allu Arjun and Ileana starrer ‘Julayi’ has successfully completed the talkie part. The film is taking shape under Trivikram’s direction. S Radhakrishna is producing the film on Haarika and Hassin...Continue reading
Allu Arjun-Trivikram Rao’s ‘Julayi’ has successfully completed 50 days of screening today and is heading towards reaching 100th day. ‘Julayi’ was released on August 9th and the makers and distribu...Continue reading
Ileana, who is now shuttling between south and west is a much sought after face. But things don’t come that easy. The sought after actress who was on a signing spree also signed the extremity cal...Continue reading
Here is the first look of Ravi Teja and Ileana starrer ‘Devudu Chesina Manushulu’ which is being directed by Puri Jagannath. The shooting has just got completed and the first look poster has been ...Continue reading
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