A Malayalam film titled 'Bandra' was released in theatres in 2023. The action drama film, directed by Arun Gopy and produced by Vinayaka Ajith, starred Dileep in the lead. Soon after the movie's re...Continue reading
Baahubali 2, directed by ace director S S Rajamouli is almost heading towards completion. Apart from a couple of patch work scenes the movie is almost complete. Rajamouli is taking utmost care to s...Continue reading
It was believed that the search for the perfect match for Mahesh Babu was over after Tamannah was roped in to play the female lead in the upcoming film ‘Aagadu’, but now it appears Tamannah is out....Continue reading
After completing the 2nd shooting schedule of film under Boyapati Sreenu’s direction, NTR has now moved on to his other film ‘Oosaravelli’, which is being directed by Surender Reddy. Shooting has ...Continue reading
Ram’s new film has been titled as ‘Endukante….Premante’. This movie will have Tamanna as Ram’s leading lady. Karunakaran will direct this film for which Sravanthi Ravi Kishore will produce it unde...Continue reading
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