A few weeks ago, actor Aadi SaiKumar and 'RX 100' star Payal Rajput teamed up for a movie titled 'Kirathaka'. Directed by M Veerabhadram, the film is a crime thriller. On Thursday, Vision Cinemaas...Continue reading
The teaser of Kartikeya and Paayal Rajput starrer RX100 has notched 6 lakh views. It’s a rare feat for a small budget film. With its teaser, RX100 has been gaining quite a buzz from trade uni...Continue reading
'Maha Samudram', starring Sharwanand and Siddharth, is produced by AK Entertainments and directed by Ajay Bhupathi. The news is that Rao Ramesh is playing a solid negative role in the action ...Continue reading
Aadi Saikumar's character makes a wicked request towards the end of the second teaser of 'Tees Maar Khan'. "I won't kill you guys. Let me please cut off your limbs in 10 minutes," the her...Continue reading
Venkatesh and Naga Chaitanya starrer Venky Mama’s first song will be released tomorrow. The team is commencing their musical promotions with this. The lyrical video will be released. KS Ravi...Continue reading
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