Jayam Ravi and Nivetha Pethuraj as hero and heroine respectively, ‘Tik Tik Tik’ is an upcoming thriller film directed by Shakti Sounder Rajan. Padmavathi Chadalawada is producing the fi...Continue reading
The combination of 'Paagal' is back. 'HIT' and 'Falaknuma Das' actor Vishwak Sen has reunited with the director of 'Paagal' for a new movie. Director Naressh Kuppili and producer Karate Raju of Van...Continue reading
Ram Pothineni's 'RED', directed by Kishore Tirumala, is scheduled to release in theatres on January 14. The Telugu and Kannada versions will be releasing on the said date. The makers of the action...Continue reading
Trivikram and Allu Arjun’s film finally seems to have got its title. This director is known for giving different titles to his film. It seems their upcoming film will be known as ‘Vaiku...Continue reading
National award winning producer Raj Kandukuri's next romantic drama, Mental Madhilo is all up for release. Ace producer D Suresh Babu who loved the theatrical trailer, released it 2 days ago and is...Continue reading
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