NTR starrer Jai Lava Kusa is out in the theatres. The film has opened to amazing openings. It was premiered overseas and already the film has collected a massive half million dollar. This is a good...Continue reading
There have been rumours that Raashi Khanna will be moving to Mumbai for good from Hyderabad. But Raashi has denied. Infact she laughed at these rumours and said that she has no such plans. Raashi w...Continue reading
'Thank You', starring Naga Chaitanya and Raashi Khanna, was earlier this year shot in Italy. Directed by Vikram K Kumar, the film is a rom-com. Speaking to a news agency, the 'World Famous L...Continue reading
The first glimpse of 'Venky Mama', starring Venkatesh and Naga Chaitanya, has been released on the occasion of Dussehra and it's an absolute festival treat for Daggubati and Akkineni fans. The...Continue reading
Raashi Khanna, in collaboration with Roti Bank and Be The Miracle, has fed 1200 poor people in Hyderabad. She shared pics from the charity drive on Twitter. "A BIG Thankyou to everyone who donated...Continue reading
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