"Witness the worst of humanity," the trailer for 'Kaliyugam' recently said. The horror-thriller, to be released in all major South Indian languages, is set in the year 2064 when the apocalypse has ...Continue reading
Jersey with Nani in the lead will be releasing on April 19. Shradha Srinath is the leading lady and this film is directed by Gowtham Tinnanuri. Nani will be seen as a middle-aged cricketer in this...Continue reading
Nani starrer Jersey is gearing up for a grand release on the 19th April. The film has completed the Censor formalities. The film has been awarded a clean U certificate by the board. Nani plays the...Continue reading
Nani's 'Jersey', which has already won many accolades and awards, has added another feather to it's cap. The Gowtam Tinnanuri starrer is going to be screened at the prestigious International Indian...Continue reading
Nani starrer Jersey is creating good interest. The makers have release the song 'Adento Gaani' from the film. This number is sung by Aanirudh Ravichander and is a romantic one. The makers say that ...Continue reading
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