‘Odela RailwayStation’, written by popular director Sampath Nandi, is directed by Ashok Teja. Starring Vasishta Simha and Hebah Patel, the film's new poster is out marking the New Year'...Continue reading
'Sasanasabha' is an upcoming political film that is going pan-India. Indra Sena is its main lead. The multi-lingual political action thriller has got a special song shot on the leading man and Heba...Continue reading
The censor work of 'Andhhagadu' has been completed. The film received a U/A certificate and is set for a grand release on 2nd June. The censor team appreciated the makers and congratulated in advan...Continue reading
The teaser of ’24 Kisses’ starring Hebah Patel and Arun Adith in the lead roles was released recently by actress Ileana D’Cruz on social media on the occasion of International Kis...Continue reading
The makers of a different love story ‘Kumari 21F’, are planning to for audio launch on October 31. Even before the release of the film, several bigwigs in the film industry are giving their support...Continue reading
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