Payal Rajput shot to fame with the film RX100. The actress is on a signing spree and she has signed a new film in Tollywood. Presently the actress is busy shooting for a Tamil film, which has Udaya...Continue reading
Ajay Ghosh, who was recently seen in films such as 'Bedurulanka 2012', on Saturday said that he owes his fame to only one hero and that's Allu Arjun. "I have done a number of movies. But nothing b...Continue reading
In her latest interview, Payal Rajput acknowledged that debuting in Telugu with a negative role has indeed shown a few negative results. The 2018 movie 'RX 100' was a box-office hit, but since Paya...Continue reading
Paayal Rajput and Tejus Kancherla starrer ‘RDX Love’ is gearing up for a grand release on 11th October. The makers have announced the release date. The trailer of the film was released ...Continue reading
Ajay Bhupathi, the director of 'RX 100' fame, today spoke at a presser a day after the release of his thriller 'Mangalavaaram'. Speaking on the occasion, he blasted a film reviewer. "I had request...Continue reading
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