'Krack' and 'Naandhi' actress Varalaxmi Sarathkumar is doing a pan-India psychological thriller titled 'Sabari' these days. Bankrolled by Mahendra Nath Kondla, this one is helmed by Anil Katz. The...Continue reading
'Aadya' is an upcoming drama starring 'Krack' and 'Naandhi' actress Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in the lead. Marking her birthday today, the makers of the film unveiled her First Look. Starring also 'Ku...Continue reading
'Vara IPS' is the upcoming movie of Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, who was last year seen in 'Krack' and 'Naandhi'. A heroine-centric movie, its First Look is out. The makers have said that the multi-ling...Continue reading
One of the most intriguing teaser in this year so far hits the digital world today. Makers of "Naga Kanya" just released the Telugu Trailer. Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, Rai Lakshmi and Catherine There...Continue reading
"When DARKNESS eclipses DHARMA, The ANCIENTS shall RISE again (sic)," the makers of 'Hanu-Man', Tollywood's first home-grown superhero movie, wrote. The film will be released on January 12 next yea...Continue reading
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