Samantha Ruth Prabhu's 'Yashoda', helmed by Hari and Harish, is an action thriller. The film has locked its theatrical release date. The psychological survival thriller will head to theatres on No...Continue reading
'Hanu-Man' stars Teja Sajja as a super-hero who confronts a super-villain, played by Vinay Rai. The film's teaser has been a hit. Director Prasanth Varma has shot an underwater sequence involving ...Continue reading
'Chasing' is an action crime drama starring Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in the lead. Helmed by K Veera Kumar, its teaser was unveiled today. Produced by G Venkateswara Rao and Madilagan Muniyandi, the fi...Continue reading
Tamil-Telugu actress Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, who was seen in the Sankranthi release 'HanuMan', is engaged. The daughter of veteran Kollywood actor Sarathkumar today got engaged to gallerist Nicholai...Continue reading
The 100-day run of 'Veera Simha Reddy' was celebrated on June 10, marking Nandamuri Balakrishna’s birthday. The Gopichand Malineni directorial was released for Sankranthi earlier this year. ...Continue reading
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