Siddhu Jonnalagadda's next, which is directed by Vimal Krishna, is titled 'DJ Tillu'. Neha Shetty is its heroine. Produced by Sithara Entertainments, the film has been waiting to be released in the...Continue reading
Kartikeya Gummakonda's 'Bedurulanka 2012', a dramedy starring 'DJ Tillu' fame Neha Sshetty as the heroine, is all set to be released in theatres in March. The news is that the drama-comedy wrapped...Continue reading
'Bedurulanka 2012', starring Kartikeya Gumamkonda in the lead, was released in theatres on August 25. Directed by Clax and starring 'DJ Tillu' fame Neha Shetty as the heroine, the dramedy is produc...Continue reading
Sri Surya Movies of AM Ratnam and Star Light Entertainment joined hands to produce an entertainer titled 'Rules Ranjan'. Kiran Abbavaram is its hero. The news is that the movie's romantic song tit...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's 'Rules Ranjann' is going to hit the cinemas on September 28. The release date was announced on Monday by presenter AM Ratnam. The news is that the rom-com's trailer is going to d...Continue reading
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