'Poster' is an upcoming movie featuring Vijay Dharan, Rashi Singh, Akshata Sonavane and others. Directed by T Mahipal Reddy, the film is produced by Sri Sai Pushpa Creations. The news is that the m...Continue reading
In 'Prasanna Vadanam', Surya (portrayed by Suhas) has an atypical medical condition that prevents him from recognizing faces. His face blindness, coupled with his Good Samaritan traits, leads to a ...Continue reading
'Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana' is an upcoming movie starring Shiva Kandukuri. Helmed by debutant Purushottam Raj, its release date has been made official marking Sankranthi. The film is going to h...Continue reading
'Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana' is an upcoming movie starring Shiva Kandukuri as a detective. Helmed by debutant Purushottam Raj, its teaser is out. Bankrolled by Snehal Jangala, Shasidhar Kashi, a...Continue reading
'Gem', starring Vijay Raja, Rashi Singh and Nakshatra, is produced by Patthikonda Kumara Swamy of Mahalakshmi Movie Makers. The film is all set to be released in theatres on September 17. Speaking...Continue reading
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