Manchu Lakshmi, who is going ahead as an actress and producer, is set to turn a singer. She sang a song ‘Asala Yandiro Mee Magalla Irraveege Goppa…’ in her forthcoming film, ‘Dongata’, directed by ...Continue reading
As you are aware the UKUP prints have already been shipped to USA, UK, Dubai, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. The film is all set to hit theaters worldwide tomorrow. Cool ...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu turned a year older the other day. The actress, producer and TV show host made it a point to celebrate the special occasion with fifty school-going kids. As the Chairperson of the T...Continue reading
Every year, we hear about Guru Purnima celebrated by the families of several Tollywood celebrities. Mohan Babu’s family has been celebrating this festival for a long time by performing the special ...Continue reading
Manchu Lakshmi's classic movie 'Gundello Godari' which was released on March 8th has acquired positive talk from audience and got a wonderful feedback from all the critics. This movie runs with...Continue reading
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