'Dear Megha', starring Megha Akash, Arun Adith and others, will head to the theatres on September 3. Arjun Somayajula is playing the other lead actor. Bankrolled by Arjun Dasyan of Vedaansh Creati...Continue reading
Nani will be playing the role of a Casanova in his next film. Sources say that he will be romancing five or six actresses. This film will be directed by Vikram Kumar who made the film Manam. Sourc...Continue reading
Megha Akash, Adith Arun, Arjun Somayajulu, and others in the lead roles, the movie Dear Megha is prepping up to hit the screens soon. Actress Pooja Hegde launched the first single from the movie D...Continue reading
'Prema Desam' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Thrigun (aka Arun Adith) and Megha Akash in the lead. Ajay Kathurvar and Maya are playing the other lead pair. Director Srikanth Siddham and...Continue reading
Kajal Agarwal has now turned into a presenter. She will be presenting her manager's film. Ronnson her manager is co-producing a film. Titled Manu Charitra this film will be starring Shiva Kanduri ...Continue reading
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