Arjun Kalyan, who got trained in acting at the New York Film Academy, began his career by doing short films and web series. The Naga Chaitanya-starrrer 'Premam' cast him in a supporting role opposi...Continue reading
Nithiin's 'Lie' is the most awaited movie now. The theatrical trailer has set the bar high and the expectations have gone up to a whole new level. The action-packed trailer promises that the film i...Continue reading
Nithin starrer 'Chal Mohan Ranga' was censored by the Censor Board today. The film has been awarded a clean U certificate by the Censor Board. The film is gearing up for a grand release on April 5....Continue reading
'Prema Desam' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Trigun (aka Arun Adith) and Megha Akash as lovers. Its glimpse, which was released recently, has clocked 1 million views on YouTube. With th...Continue reading
After a stupendous response from the audience for the all the singles and teaser released so far, the happy makers of ‘Chal Mohan Ranga’ are launching their jukebox on the eve of Ugadi....Continue reading
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