An intriguing fan theory has emerged online. Following the release of the 'Guntur Kaaram' trailer on Sunday night, numerous Mahesh Babu fans took it upon themselves to analyze the hero's moves in d...Continue reading
Many months after its theatrical release, 'Pelli SandaD' is finding its way into OTT, finally. The digital rights to the Roshan and Sree Leela starrer has been acquired by Zee5. The OTT platform t...Continue reading
Nithiin's 32nd movie has been titled 'Extra - Ordinary Man'. The film, whose shoot is done to the tune of about 60%, will hit the cinemas on December 23. The news is that a romantic song titled 'D...Continue reading
Nithiin's 32nd movie has been titled 'Extra - Ordinary Man'. Set to hit the cinemas on December 8, the film's first song (titled 'Danger Pilla') was released in August. On Friday, its second song (...Continue reading
"Eesari Performance Badhalaipodhi," director Harish Shankar wrote, unveiling the First Glimpse of 'Ustaad Bhagat Singh' on Thursday. The story is partly set in Old City. At Mahankali Police Station...Continue reading
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