'Bangarraju', starring Akkineni Nagarjuna in the lead, features Naga Chaitanya as Chinna Bangarraju. On the occasion of the 'Love Story' actor's birthday, a separate teaser was released today. We ...Continue reading
It was earlier announced that Natural star- Nani's upcoming movie Tuck Jagadish has been postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 situations. Here is another update regarding Nani's next movie Shyam S...Continue reading
Ram Pothineni-Linguswamy's High Octane action entertainer The Warriorr, is all set for a release on July 14, it's USA Premieres on July 13th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas...Continue reading
'Bangarraju', starring Akkineni Nagarjuna and his son Naga Chaitanya in the lead, was released on January 14 for Sankranthi. Directed by Kalyan Krishna Kurasala, the film has grossed Rs 76 Cr world...Continue reading
'Shyam Singha Roy', starring Natural Star Nani, Sai Pallavi and Krithi Shetty, was released in theatres on December 24 last year. Directed by Rahul Sankrityan, the reincarnation romantic-actioner i...Continue reading
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