A tiny 2D animation story with Bigg Boss fame Gangavva's voiceover was unveiled as 'Chora Gaadha' today. The video starts with the narration of an engaging story to a kid who is not supposed to ask...Continue reading
'Prema Desam' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Thrigun (aka Arun Adith) and Megha Akash in the lead. Ajay Kathurvar and Maya are playing the other lead pair. Director Srikanth Siddham and...Continue reading
'Sahakutumbanaam', a new movie directed by Uday Sharma, is led by Ram Kiran and Megha Akash. Producer H Mahadev Gowd is making the film in collaboration with seasoned artists such as Rajendra Prasa...Continue reading
'Prema Desam' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Thrigun (aka Arun Adith) and Megha Akash in the lead. Director Srikanth Siddham and producer Sirisha Siddham recently unveiled the film's te...Continue reading
Nithin is busy completing his film which is being directed by Krishna Chaitanya. The first look of the film will be released soon. Nithin said that the film is in the last stage of shooting. Megha ...Continue reading
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