It's known that Samantha Ruth Prabhu was recently diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder. In an interview hosted by Suma Kanakala, the star actress gave some good news to her fans. She clarified t...Continue reading
'Jayamma Panchayathi' is the title of Suma Kanakala's comeback movie. The film is scheduled to head to theatres on May 6. The news is that a tragedy song released on Monday tells something about t...Continue reading
In October, Suma Kanakala started a charity organization named 'Festival For Joy'. Since Dasara, her outfit has been rendering welfare in its own right. Ten women from the film industry who lost li...Continue reading
'Jayamma Panchayathi' is the title of Suma Kanakala's comeback movie. A rural drama, the film will hit the cinemas on April 22. The date is considered suitable for a female-centric, drama-driven mo...Continue reading
'Jayamma Panchayathi' is the title of Suma Kanakala's comeback movie. A rural drama, its release date is yet to be announced. The news is that its first song, titled 'Thippagalana', will be unveil...Continue reading
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