Srinivasaa Silver Screen in April announced that Naga Chaitanya and Kollywood filmmaker Venkat Prabhu would be doing a Telugu-Tamil bilingual. The news is that the untitled film, referred to as NC2...Continue reading
Ram Pothineni-Linguswamy's High Octane action entertainer The Warriorr, is all set for a release on July 14, it's USA Premieres on July 13th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas...Continue reading
Naga Chaitanya's Telugu-Tamil movie has been shot since September. The news is that a new schedule of the untitled bilingual is currently on in Hyderabad. On a special set, the 'Bangarraju' actor a...Continue reading
'Shyam Singha Roy' will head to theatres this Friday. The fifth song from the movie, titled 'Tara', was unveiled today. Described as a splash of colours, the song has been sung by Karthik. Written ...Continue reading
A pre-release event of 'The Warriorr' was held in Chennai on Wednesday. The who's who of the Tamil film industry graced the event. The film is hitting the cinemas on July 14. Speaking on the occas...Continue reading
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