Sai Pallavi and her director Rahul Sankrityan wanted to catch 'Shyam Singha Roy' at a theatre. Secretly so. So, the 'Fidaa' actress wore a Burqa and went to the famous Sri Ramulu Theatre in Hyderab...Continue reading
The teaser of NGK was released today. It showcases starts with Suriya's Dialogue and promises 'NGK' to be an intense political thriller. Sai Pallavi and Rakul Preet will be seen as female leads op...Continue reading
Sekhar Kammula’s love and family entertainer ‘Fidaa’ starring Varun Tej and Sai Pallavi that released worldwide on July 21, is running successfully at box office with sensational ...Continue reading
Rana is yet to join the shoot of Virata Parvam. The film shooting is going on. Rana was getting treated for kidney ailment in the US. He is now back in India. Venu Udugula is the director of this ...Continue reading
We have not seen much of Rana after the release of his film 'Nene Raju Nene Mantri'. He has been completing him Tamil and Hindi projects. Also he had some health issue. Rana has finished his porti...Continue reading
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