'Shekar', starring Dr. Rajasekhar as a cop who gets back to work, has been written and directed by Jeevitha Rajasekhar. To be released probably on February 4 (since Chiranjeevi's 'Acharya' is rumou...Continue reading
Remember the youngster who played Lakshmi's grandson in Nandini Reddy's fantasy drama 'Oh Baby'? He shared the screen space with a cool Samantha Akkineni in the 2019 blockbuster. The child ...Continue reading
It is known that producers Bunny Vass and Vidya Koppineedi are currently remaking the 2021 movie 'Nayattu' (Malayalam) as 'Kota Bommali PS'. The first song from the remake was released today. Titl...Continue reading
Adivi Sesh and Shivani Rajasekhar as the lead pair '2 States' was launched very recently. Directed by Venkat Reddy, the film’s regular shooting will commence from April 5 in Hyderabad. The ...Continue reading
'Aha Naa Pellanta', a title with a special ring for the Telugu audience, is back in vogue. Starring Raj Tarun as a jilted groom and Shivani Rajasekhar as his heroine, it is being bankrolled by the ...Continue reading
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