'BRO', starring Naveen Chandra and Avika Gor as siblings, is directed by Karthik Thupurani. With music by Sekhar Chandra, it also features Sai Ronak. The news is that the film will hit SonyLIV on N...Continue reading
'10th Class Diaries', starring Avika Gor and Sreeram, will head to theatres on March 4. The film's teaser was unveiled today. Speaking on the occasion, producer C Kalyan, one of the guests, said t...Continue reading
There is no change is the release date of Raju Gaari Gadhi 3. It will be releasing this Friday the 18th of October as announced before. This is third film in the successful franchise of ‘Raju...Continue reading
Tamannnaah was supposed to play the lead role in 'Raju Gari Gadhi 3'. She was even present at the launch event. But later, she was replaced by Avika Gor. It was rumoured that the 'Sye Raa Narasimha...Continue reading
Audio of ‘Cinema Choopistha Mava’ composed by young Sensational music composer Sekhar Chandra which was released on July 7, on Madhura Audio label, is receiving tremendous response from the music b...Continue reading
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