'Devil', the period spy thriller, will hit the cinemas on December 29 in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam on a pan-Indian scale. Samyuktha Menon of 'Virupaksha' fame is its heroine. The...Continue reading
Two of December's important releases have locked their OTT release dates. One of them is a spy thriller, while the other one is an action comedy entertainer. Nandamuri Kalyanram's 'Devil', which w...Continue reading
'SIR', directed by Venky Atluri and produced by Naga Vamsi S and Sai Soujanya, will hit the cinemas on February 17. Its trailer launch event was held on Wednesday. Speaking on the occasion, the fi...Continue reading
Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Debutant director Vassishta's time-travel fantasy film Bimbisara, is all set for a release on August 5, it's USA Premieres on August 4th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters L...Continue reading
'Virupaksha' is a clean box-office hit. It is the dominant player at the Telugu box office despite the release of two new movies just last Friday. At the film's 'Thank You' meet-up today, the maker...Continue reading
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