It's known that director Mohanakrishna Indraganti, after 'V', is making a film with Sudheer Babu as the hero. Titled 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali', the film is in the news because of the birt...Continue reading
Nithin's Macherla Niyojakavargam is heading to theatres on Aug 12 in India. And in the US, its pre-release day premieres are going to happen in a few hours. Flyhigh Cinemas and Southern Star Inter...Continue reading
'Macherla Niyojakavargam', headlined by Nithiin, is an August 12th release. On Tuesday, a video titled 'Macherla Dhamki' was released by Sreshth Movies. Dialogue-writer Mamidala Thirupathi has pen...Continue reading
It's known that 'Shyam Singha Roy' will head to the theatres on December 24. Starring Nani in the lead, the film has Sai Pallavi and Krithi Shetty as the heroines. A grand pre-release event will be...Continue reading
The movie Uppena saw a grand theatrical release early this year. With debut hero and the heroine, the movie caught up with huge hype. Kriti Shetty who appeared in the role of 'Bebamma' in Uppena s...Continue reading
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