Naga Chaitanya's Telugu-Tamil movie is his 22nd outing. The film was recently in the news for roping in Aravind Swami, Sarathkumar, Priyamani, Vennela Kishore and Sampath Raj. Also, Tamil actors Pr...Continue reading
'Bangarraju', which has been shot in Mysore, has been in the news for one or another reason. Recently, its first song was out. Today, a crucial update was made official. Marking Naga Chaitanya&rsq...Continue reading
It's known that 'Shyam Singha Roy' will head to the theatres on December 24. Starring Nani in the lead, the film has Sai Pallavi and Krithi Shetty as the heroines. A grand pre-release event will be...Continue reading
Krithi Shetty has become one of the happening heroines in Tollywood ever since the super success of her debut film, Uppena. The young diva has been on a signing spree and is grabbing back-to-back f...Continue reading
It's known that director Mohanakrishna Indraganti, after 'V', is making a film with Sudheer Babu as the hero. Titled 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali', the film is in the news because of the birt...Continue reading
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