Samantha starrer film directed by Nandini Reddy has got its title. This is a woman-centric film, inspired by the Korean film 'Miss Granny'. Samantha gets to play the role of a 60 year old who finds...Continue reading
After the comedy entertainer 'Ek Mini Katha', actor Santosh Shoban has teamed up with Nandini Reddy and Swapna Cinema, which recently produced the satirical comedy 'Jaathi Ratnalu. Billed as a whol...Continue reading
Siddharth Galla, the brother of debutant actor Ashok Galla, is the son of Jayadev Galla. The son of the former parliamentarian is looking at debuting in movies. It's learned that Nandini Reddy is ...Continue reading
The film ' Kalyana Vaibhogame ' which is produced by K.L.Damodar Prasad under Sri Ranjith Movies and directed by B.V. Nandini Reddy has entered successfully into its 4th week run at the theatres. T...Continue reading
‘Babu Baga Busy’, the official remake of Hindi film ‘Hunterrr’, is loaded with full dose of comedy. The film that features Mishti Chakraborty, Tejaswi Madivada, Supriy...Continue reading
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