'Meet Cute' is directed by Natural Star Nani's sister and debutante Deepthi Ghanta. The film's teaser was released earlier in the day. Starring Satyaraj, Adah Sharma, Varsha Bollamma, Ruhani Sharm...Continue reading
Make way for 'Saindhav'! This January 13th release seems to be a pack of precisely those elements we expect from an action drama. A daughter suffering from a terminal illness, a father who puts his...Continue reading
'Agra' is the title of a Hindi film which won accolades at Cannes, Jio MAMI, 28th Busan International Film Festival and IFF Melbourne in 2023. The film is set to release in France on April 3. "A fa...Continue reading
'Sri Ranga Neethulu' has got an intimate teaser whose beats are interesting. The male characters don't get to meet because they are separated by space. The hyperlink narration ensures that their li...Continue reading
'Meet Cute' is directed by Natural Star Nani's sister and debutante Deepthi Ghanta. The anthology is all set to stream on SonyLiv from November 25. Starring Satyaraj, Adah Sharma, Varsha Bollamma,...Continue reading
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