Mahesh Babu Monday inaugurated a Siddha Vaidyam center in Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasion, he described it as a miraculous treatment. Accompanied by his wife Namrata Shirodkar, the 'Sarkaru Vaa...Continue reading
English actor Daniel Caltagirone, who is known for his roles in 'The Beach', 'Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life', and the Oscar-winning film 'The Pianist', will be seen in a prominent role...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Bubblegum' was held on Sunday ahead of the film's theatrical release on December 29. 'Bubblegum Warriors', those who worked on the twenty-four crafts, were given their due...Continue reading
'Jayamma Panchayathi' is the title of Suma Kanakala's comeback movie. The film is scheduled to head to theatres on May 6. The news is that a tragedy song released on Monday tells something about t...Continue reading
'Jayamma Panchayathi' is the title of Suma Kanakala's comeback movie. Today, its first song was released at the hands of Natural Star Nani. The lyrical video, titled 'Thippagalana', shows that the ...Continue reading
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