'Emergency' (Hindi), starring Bollywood heroine Kangana Ranaut as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, has locked its release date. The political drama, based on the Emergency imposed in the mid-19...Continue reading
Kangana Ranaut recently won as an Member of Parliament on a BJP ticket. She will be spending most of her time in the coming years in New Delhi and her constituency in Himachal Pradesh. The actress...Continue reading
Kajal Aggarwal starrer 'Paris Paris' is a remake of Bollywood hit film 'Queen'. It starred Kangana Ranaut in the lead. The remake has completed its shooting and went for Censor formalities. But he...Continue reading
Editor Mohan’s son ‘Jayam’ Ravi’s Tamil film ‘Dhaam Dhoom’ is now being dubbed into Telugu with the title ‘Rakshakudu’. M V Gopal Rao of Jyothi Arts banner acquired the Telugu dubbing rights. Cine...Continue reading
Kangana Ranaut recently won as an MP from a BJP ticket from Himachal Pradesh. Today, she was at the Chandigarh Airport when a CISF Jawan slapped her. "The MP-elect from Mandi was slapped at securi...Continue reading
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