'Run Raja Run' actress Seerat Kapoor, who was most recently seen in a bubbly role in 'Krishna and his Leela', is a front-runner for a Ravi Teja movie. The actress, whose 'Maa Vintha Gadha Vinuma' i...Continue reading
After the success of "Krishna and his Leela", Seerat Kapoor is excited for her upcoming projects to show her capabilities as an actress as a lead in her upcoming "Maa Vintha Gadha Vinuma". Se...Continue reading
The Indian Actress Seerat Kapoor, has won countless hearts in the Tollywood industry already! Not only has Seerat proved her metal in versatile acting, but she is also deemed one of the fastest-gro...Continue reading
Seerat Kapoor of 'Run Raja Run' and 'Krishna And His Leela' fame, has been a singer and a trained dancer. Seen also in films like 'Maa Vintha Gadha Vinuma', she is one of the sought-after names. T...Continue reading
Nagarjuna is back to work and is busy with his film Raju Gari Gadhi 2. The film is being shot in Pondicherry. Omhkar is directing this flick which is a sequel to Raju Gari Gadhi, a superhit horror ...Continue reading
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