'Dead Pixels' will start streaming on Disney+ Hotstar on May 19. The web show's pre-release event was attended by the who's who of the team. The comedy-drama tells the story of three online friends...Continue reading
After Oka Manasu we have not seen much of Niharika. She is working on the web series Nanna Koochi with her father Naga Babu. News is that Niharika will be playing the female lead in a Tamil film wh...Continue reading
Young Hero Sumanth Ashwin and Mega Princes Niharika Konidela starrer romantic drama titled ‘Happy Wedding’ has completed its shoot a few months back and post-production works are in pro...Continue reading
Everyone is writing about Naga Shaurya and Niharika Konidela's relationship. Some have even said that very soon the love birds will get engaged. But Naga Shaurya has a different story to say. He a...Continue reading
Niharika has already given two flops in Telugu and the actress is not deterred. She is continuing to work in her upcoming films with full confidence. Her film in Kollywood has also flopped. The se...Continue reading
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