After grossing Rs 50 Cr in theatres, KA is currently available for streaming on ETV Win, powered by Dolby Vision 4K and Atmos technology. In no time, the thriller has accumulated 100 million minute...Continue reading
"They say that when someone achieves a hit, it’s theirs, but when I succeed, it feels like a collective victory. The love you all have shown me brings me more happiness than the success of th...Continue reading
"His world is intriguing. His journey is a mystery," the makers of 'KA' said, putting out the film's Trailer today. Abhinaya Vasudev, the protagonist's name, could well hold a lot of meaning, consi...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram is in a happy space after the release of 'KA'. His confidence in his film's content is paying off superbly. Speaking at the first post-release media briefing on the film's release ...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's 'KA', also starring Thanvi Ram and Nayan Sarika as the female leads, has successfully completed its shoot. Directors Sujith and Sandeep are elated. "It is hard to find the words ...Continue reading
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