Young and talented hero Vishwak Sen is all set to entertain the audience with his upcoming love story titled 'Paagal'. The film has Nivetha Pethuraj as the female lead alongside Vishwak. The makers...Continue reading
Jayam Ravi and Nivetha Pethuraj as hero and heroine respectively, ‘Tik Tik Tik’ is an upcoming thriller film directed by Shakti Sounder Rajan. Padmavathi Chadalawada is producing the fi...Continue reading
The combination of 'Paagal' is back. 'HIT' and 'Falaknuma Das' actor Vishwak Sen has reunited with the director of 'Paagal' for a new movie. Director Naressh Kuppili and producer Karate Raju of Van...Continue reading
At a recent event, while talking about her character in a web series, Nivetha Pethuraj said that women are manipulative. "Women can be very manipulative towards men, even after marriage, but men of...Continue reading
Actor Vijay Antony has participated in Eye Donation campaign conducted by Rotary Eye Bank and Rajan Eye Care hospital on September 1, T.Nagar to spread the message of eye donation. At the event Vij...Continue reading
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