Kollywood actor Ashok Selvan and Ritu Varma's 'Aakasam' is hitting the cinemas on November 4. Directed by newcomer R Karthik, the film also features Aparna Balamurali of 'Aakasam Nee Haddhu Raa' fa...Continue reading
Upon hearing this it felt like a similar ad in the magazine of the 'bride''s parents searching for a suitable 'groom' for their daughter. But this is the name of the movie. What you heard is true. ...Continue reading
Her filmy career is zooming. After Pelli Choopulu several film makers have approached her to be a part of their films. Ritu Varma has already signed to play the female lead in Adivi Sesh’s upcoming...Continue reading
Natural star Nani is one of the finest actors in the Telugu film industry. The young actor is known for his unique script selection and impressive acting skills. Needless to say, Nani never comprom...Continue reading
Nikhil starer Keshava is just around the corner for release. Big hopes have been pinned on the film as we will be seeing Nikhil in a different avtaar in it. In an recent interview it was revealed ...Continue reading
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