Lady superstar Nayanthara’s blockbuster film ‘Imaikkaa Nodigal’ is getting dubbed in Telugu and is titled ‘Anjali CBI.’ This is a crime thriller directed by R Ajay Gna...Continue reading
Tamannah, fondly called as 'Milky Beauty' by her fans and film lovers, has carved a niche for herself as an actress who can easily handle Tollywood, Kollywood as well as Bollywood. This beauty ico...Continue reading
Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy will be releasing on October 2. The team has commenced its promotional activity. The film is currently completing its post-production work. The pre-release event of the fil...Continue reading
Nayantara is known to be a professional actress. Very rarely have we seen her getting vocal on any matter. Recently senior actor Radha Ravi spoke ill about Nayanatara. He made some hard to digest ...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripathi will be doing a female-centric movie next year. Titled Sathi Leelavathi, the film is being made at a time when non-superstar movies have been seen as OTT stuff, more so if they are...Continue reading
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