Lavanya Tripathi will be doing a female-centric movie next year. Titled Sathi Leelavathi, the film is being made at a time when non-superstar movies have been seen as OTT stuff, more so if they are...Continue reading
The other day, the glimpse video of 'Ghaati' featured Anushka Shetty in the role of a ferocious killer. The heroine, who is also the film's 'hero', chops the head of a beastly villain, and proceeds...Continue reading
As mentioned couple of days ago, Nagarjuna-Nayantara starrer ‘Greeku Veerudu’ is set for release on April 19th. The latest we hear is that the audio will launched on April 3rd at Shilpa Kala Vedik...Continue reading
"Karma Says!!! When you destroy someone’s life with lies Take it as a loan, it will come back to you with interest (sic)." The aforementioned quote, directly from Nayanthara's latest Instagr...Continue reading
It is time to watch Nayanthara in a horror-thriller after watching her in a comedy entertainer titled 'Kanmani Rambo Kathija' recently. 'Connect' is the title of her upcoming movie, supported by su...Continue reading
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