Pawan Kalyan's ex-wife Renu Desai will be seen in a Telugu film. She has announced on Instagram that she will be playing the role of Hemalatha Lavanam in a film which will be directed by Vamsi Kris...Continue reading
Back in the year 2005, Pawan Kalyan was seen in a crime action drama titled 'Balu: ABCDEFG'. The film's audio, thanks to Mani Sharma, was a chart-topping one. Expectations were high from the movie ...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan and Renu Desai parted ways years ago. Renu Desai is now all set to marry again. She posted her engagement pictures on Instagram and Twitter. Renu Desai was trolled for the same. But sh...Continue reading
Renu Desai has been signed up for a web series. The former actress, known for 'Badri' and 'Johnny', made the news official by posting a video on Instagram. "And back to being in front of the camer...Continue reading
Renu Desai and Babu Gogineni share a common stance: zero tolerance for those who believe an apology should suffice for Praneeth Hanumanthu and others who made recent pedophilic jokes on YouTube. Th...Continue reading
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